Naarm Melbourne / Part Time Substitute High School Teacher, PhD candidate & Writer / Self-isolation
I'm a part time substitute high school teacher, much time writer and late stage PhD candidate in RMIT's school of media and communication, working towards another (probably unnecessary but interesting) degree in creative writing.


I dreamed I was taking a shower in the backyard of the house where I grew up. In the dream, it was now and the house was my house. In this reality, there was no back fence and the yard looked on to the back of another house. I looked up from my shower to see that my neighbours were coming outside, setting up a long table for a summer barbecue. I realised I was outside naked but my neighbour, an older lady in pearls, pantsuit and pumps called me over. People began to arrive with covered dishes, potluck style like they did at church gathering when I was a child, and I realised that this was a church gathering, a place people were coming because church had been closed due to the virus. Still naked from my shower, I tried to go but more and more people came and I couldn't leave and the table was filling up and there was my husband and my two children, sitting at the table, chatting, visiting, as if they knew these people, only they didn't seem to know me. And I couldn't breathe.

© Neptune and Manisha Anjali