Brooklyn, New York / Emerging Curator & Writer

Taiwanese-born emerging curator and writer travelling between New York, Sydney and Canberra. With a background in photography, Liu is passionate about visual forms and images.


I am at a deli, and a block of cheese is handed to me. I don’t think I ordered it. I’m confused, but they are insistent and waiting for me to take it. My arms are frozen, and I can’t move. I see that the cheese is called ‘Kim’ and I know that it could only stand for Kim Kardashian.

I have taken this as a reminder to keep my guilty pleasures of dairy and reality TV in check.

[The Ultimate Dictionary of Dream Language]
Briceida Ryan, 2011. Hampton Roads Publishing Company.

Cheese, p. 100
‘someone you have known for a while, whose personality complements yours, will begin taking the relationship to a different level by asking you out. If you choose, relax and this will be a lovely union.’

Deli, p. 150

‘You will be rescued by someone within three days. This person will offer financial aid in the nick of time and will be eager to continue this help until you are on your feet.’

It has been over three days since I had this dream. I remain optimistic for the financial support and hope that the secret date is just my partner planning our upcoming anniversary celebration.

© Neptune and Manisha Anjali